
Into the White – Wisdom Dakini Mandala

Finland, January 3. – 5. 2020 

Start a new year by greeting your self with compassion. Meet the five Wisdom Dakinis, five energies, five aspect of your being. Experience the freedom of  transforming difficult emotions into resources, that will enrich and support you throughout the year.

In the obstructed version the five energies are blocked states of mind we experience when trapped in difficult emotions. During the retreat you may experience how the enlightened state is always just a breath away. Explore how mandala meditation transforms.

  • Confusion and depression to an open peaceful mind 
  • Anger and overthinking to clarity
  • Not feeling good enough to equanimity 
  • Craving and longing to discernment and compassion 
  • Envy and speediness to free flowing activity  

The meditation process is stimulated by personal work, creative practices and exchange in the group. The work is based on Lama Tsultrim Alliones approach to the feminine in Vajrayana Buddhism, bringing personal work into the spiritual container.

Mandala is sanskrit and means holy circle. But the circle itself is a universal symbol of wholeness. And when we enter into the mandala, we enter into the zone, where the self-healing resources of our body and mind are activated.  

The Dakinis are female wisdom beings, our rolemodels and guides on the journey. They symbolise the enlightened feminine. Our intuitive, embodied wisdom,  Wrathful, fearless and free. Just like Nordic Freja or greek Pallas Athene.


Date: January 3rd – 5th 2020
Price: Early Bird 300 EU.  After Nov 31. 350 EU

Venue: Lammi Retreat Center- 

Registration, deposit and inquiries:

“The mandala is an archetypal image whose occurrence is attested throughout the ages. It signifies the wholeness of the Self. This circular image represents the wholeness of the psychic ground or, to put it in mythic terms, the divinity incarnate in man.” Carl Jung

Afholdte Retreats

Mindful Dreaming in Montserrat, May 17. -19.  

Mindful Dreaming is a unique and playful method for accessing the wisdom of your dreams. During this retreat, you may explore how creativity, insights, and guidance from the dream world can support you in daily life.

The process is stimulated by alternating between inner work with dreams, mindful movement, creative expression, and exchange in the group.


What Really Matters 

We often put aside our own needs to please others. We accommodate out of fear, insecurity, misunderstood compassion. We also pay the price; stress, anxiety, depression.

Dreamwork is mindfulness par excellence. It points you to what really matters and to resources, allowing healing and a new sense of direction to emerge:

  • Trust in your feelings and sensations
  • Courage to explore new aspects of yourself
  • Creativity, humor, and energy


Be Who You Really Are 

Your dreams and your body hold information to help you discover who you really are, giving you the courage to feel and to be present with whatever arises. It stimulates your inherent wisdom and compassion.


The teaching will be in Spanish.

Sign in:

Venue: Monestir de Sant Benet de Montserrat

Dates: Friday, May 17th 18:00 to Sunday 19th 13:00

Price: Course 140 €,  Accommodation  78 € incl meals


Version Castellano

Taller de sueños con Jetthe Fabioola, máster en antropología, psicoterapeuta y profesora de meditación. Experimentarás el poder creativo de tus sueños para transformar los sentimientos difíciles. Explorarás nuevos aspectos de ti misma para vivir con mas libertad.

Mindful dreaming es un método unico para acceder a la sabiduría interna, basada en la psicología jungiana, la conciencia corporal, la expresión creativa y la meditación.


LUGAR: Monestir de Sant Benet de Montserrat

DATOS: Viernes 17/V (18:00h) a Domingo 19/V (13:00h)

PRECIO Curso: 140 € Hostatgeria: 78 € incl comida

Mindfuldreaming es una práctica espiritual y personal, transformador de los sentimientos difíciles y los viejos patrones de conducta, dando un nuevo sentido a la senda de tu vida.
nto the container of spiritual practice across traditions. It’s a unique and playful method for accessing inner wisdom through jungian psychology, body awareness, creativity and meditation.

THE FIVE WISDOM-DAKINIS –  Graz, Austria, May 31. – June 2. 

 Tibetan-Buddhist practice to transform blocked emotional patterns – like confusion, anger, pride, craving, envy-  into the equivalent wisdom aspects.

Lecture, meditations related to everyday life, personal work, creative practices, exchange with the people in the group.

Date: May 31 – June 2, 2019
Price: 2OO,- EU

Time: Friday 18:00 – 21:00, Saturday 10:00 – 17:00, Sunday: 10:00 – 13:00

Venue: “atempo”, Heinrichstraße 145, Graz
Sign in: Christine Schnitzer, , Tel: +43 676 30 36 628

Den Hemliga Trädgården i Malmø

Gå på upptäcktsfärd i den Hemliga Trädgården. Möt din Animus eller din Anima: sidor av dig själv som du håller tillbaks. Smaka på trädgårdens sötaste frukt, lär känna ditt visa och öppna hjärta och lägg märke till hur hela denna rikedom kan ta sig uttryck i ditt liv.


Kvinnans inre bilder av det maskulina kallar Jung for Animus. Mäns bilder av det kvinnliga kallas för Anima. Det är omedvetna bilder som styr vem vi förälskar oss i och vad vi tillåter oss själva i livet.


Har du övervägt vilka av dina egna kvalitéer som du har lagt ut på andra kvinnor och män? Under lördagens transformativa meditationer hämtar vi tillbaks våra inneboende resurser hem till oss själva.


Processen stimuleras i en växelverkan av meditation, rörelse, kreativa uttryck och dialog.


Undervisningen sker på en lättförståelig engelska – men du är välkommen att tala svenska.


Arrangør: Karma Yonten Ling, Malmø

Dato: 2. marts 2019
Tidspunkt: 11.00 -17.00
Pris: 600 kr/ 500 kr medlemmar Kyl
Sted: Sensus


Den Hemliga Trädgården ger det transformerande personliga arbetet en meditativ rymd vilket skapar en unik tillgång till kropp, sinne och ande baserat på jungiansk psykologi och buddhistisk filosofi.



Mindful Dreaming, Barcelona in-city Retreat 

Mindful Dreaming is a unique and playful method for accessing the wisdom of your dreams. During this retreat, you may explore how creativity, insights, and guidance from the dream world can be support in your daily life.

The process is stimulated by alternating between inner work with dreams, mindful movement, creative expression, and exchange in the group.


What Really Matters 

We often put aside our own needs to please others. We accommodate out of fear, insecurity, misunderstood compassion. We also pay the price; stress, anxiety, depression.

Dreamwork is mindfulness par excellence. It points you to what really matters and to resources, allowing healing and a new sense of direction to emerge: 

  • Trust in your feelings and sensations
  • Courage to explore new aspects of yourself
  • Creativity, humor and energy


Be Who You Really Are 

Your dreams and your body hold information to help you discover who you really are, giving you the courage to feel and to be present with whatever arises. It stimulates your inherent wisdom and compassion.


Date: February 1th. – 3rd.  2019

Price: 240 EU

Place: TARIQUAH, C/Gran de Gracia 115, Barcelona 

Mindful Dreaming brings personal work into the container of spiritual practice across traditions. It’s a unique and playful method for accessing inner wisdom through jungian psychology, body awareness, creativity and meditation.